Happy Spring! To celebrate the welcome of warmer weather (at least, according to the calendar), I’m posting the book-flap excerpt for THE ROGUE TO RUIN. Enjoy! Warm wishes and happy reading, Viv “I hardly need your advice,” Ainsley scolded him in return, every word pushing her flesh against his. Almost...
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Winning Miss Wakefield hit the USA Today’s Best-Seller List!!!! I’m so thankful and beyond excited about the popularity of Winning Miss Wakefield! My gratitude goes out to the amazing team at Avon/HarperCollins and to all my readers who made this dream-come-true possible. Viv
If you’ve been on my Facebook page, then you’ve already heard the awesome news: This week, I signed a new contract with Avon Impulse for 3 more books!!! 😀 The series is called THE RAKES OF FALLOW HALL.These books focus on three rakes who vow never to marry. They all want to...
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