The New Cover!!!

May 10, 2017

Without further ado, I give you the cover for JUST ANOTHER VISCOUNT IN LOVE!













  1. Janice Laird says:

    Pretty much how I pictured Gemma!exciting day for you!

  2. Connie Fischer says:

    Oh! It’s so lovely! Sigh….

  3. Teri Donaldson says:

    Your covers are always the prettiest. I love the soft colors!

  4. Janet says:

    Absolutely STUNNING!! I love her blue dress which blends beautifully with the lush green background, so perfect for summertime which is right around the corner! I can’t wait for release day!! 🙂 Congrats to you and the cover designers!

    • Vivienne Lorret says:

      Thank you, Janet! The colors are spectacular, and the cover fits in so well with the book that it feels like the Avon art department’s team lives inside my head. 😉 I’ll post a pond-scene snippet online in the coming weeks!

  5. Janice Laird says:

    Pre-ordered for my Kindle!