Join me at Buried Under Romance tomorrow for the big cover reveal for WHEN A MARQUESS LOVES A WOMAN. Not only that, but there will be an exclusive sneak peek of Max and Juliet’s story, AND one winner will be drawn for an ebook giveaway of THE DEBUTANTE IS MINE.... Read More
It’s almost here!!! On Friday, join me at Buried Under Romance for the cover reveal for WHEN A MARQUESS LOVES A WOMAN, plus an exclusive story sneak peek!
THIS EARL IS ON FIRE comes out in 2 weeks!!!! And… GREAT NEWS… there’s still time to pre-order your very own copy. 😉 Amazon Avon B&N Google Play iBooks
After submitting the epilogue for WHEN A MARQUESS LOVES A WOMAN, it’s official. I have written 11 titles for Avon Impulse/Avon Romance!!! Wow!!! I feel so blessed. Thank you, to all of you who’ve made this dream possible. <3 Warmest wishes and happy reading, Viv
Edits done! WHEN A MARQUESS LOVES A WOMAN is now in the hands of my editor (aside from the epilogue that I’ll write this weekend). I’m so excited about Max and Juliet’s story and I feel blessed that I get to share it with you in October. Yay! <3 But... Read More
My editor put together a fabulous backcover blurb for WHEN A MARQUESS LOVES A WOMAN (available October 4, 2016)! And so, without further ado, here is your first glimpse of Max and Juliet’s story: As a young, penniless gentleman, Maxwell Harwick knew he had little to offer Juliet White—the most... Read More
So I woke to a computer issue that stopped my heart. My desktop was blank. I tried right-clicking for a menu. Nothing. Searching the taskbar. Nothing. Restarting. Nothing. Pinky just stared back at me, completely mute. Researching the issue (aka frantically searching my phone while chanting “this can’t be... Read More
It’s here!!! I’ve uploaded the first excerpt for THIS EARL IS ON FIRE on my website, and I’ve also posted it below. The sheltered daughter of a country baron, Miss Adeline Pimm comes to London looking for adventure… and finds it in the form of a bloody, unconscious man slumped... Read More
Bookish is helping Avon Romance celebrate their 75th anniversary this year. Woohoo! They asked authors about the books that kindled their everlasting romance for… well… romance. I was thrilled to be asked to contribute and honored to be part of such a spectacular list of authors. <3 And if you’re looking for some... Read More