LORD HOLT TAKES A BRIDE is here at last! I’m thrilled to share this Historical Romantic Comedy with you. I had so much fun writing Asher and Winn’s story, and it is my sincerest wish that it will give you a smile or two. Warm wishes and happy reading, Viv... Read More
I’m hosting a DAILY e-GIVEAWAY on my Facebook page for the next two weeks, leading up to the release of LORD HOLT TAKES A BRIDE. Why, you ask? Because I want to celebrate all the hand-washing-hermits out there, all the people checking in on their elderly neighbors, all the moms... Read More
Dear Readers, I’m absolutely ecstatic to share the news that LORD HOLT TAKES A BRIDE has earned a starred review from Library Journal!!! Lorret, Vivienne. Lord Holt Takes a Bride. Avon. (Mating Habits of Scoundrels, Bk. 1). Apr. 2020. 384p. ISBN 9780062976598. pap. $7.99. HISTORICAL ROMANCE Proving that one can never take... Read More
Have you ever spotted a little ray of sunlight peering down through the clouds and felt the warmth of it on your face just when you needed it most? That’s how this lovely review for LORD HOLT TAKES A BRIDE from Booklist makes me feel, and I’m so grateful to... Read More
A lovely Valentine’s Day surprise greeted me this morning and I’m thrilled to share it with you… the cover for MY KIND OF EARL. USA Today bestselling author Vivienne Lorret continues her charming new trilogy with a bluestocking whose search for information on the mating habits of scoundrels has her stumbling upon the missing... Read More
It’s hard to believe that it’s February already. And what year is this exactly? The older I get, time seems to zoom by in a blur. Days meld with weeks and somehow weeks turn into months and before I know it, I’m in the second month of a new decade.... Read More
Wishing each of you a 2020 filled with effervescent laughter, cozy warmth, quiet moments, and the good fortune of plugging in your USBs on the first try every time.
LORD HOLT TAKES A BRIDE earns a lovely review from Publishers Weekly: “Asher and Winn are endearingly complex characters with wit and chemistry to spare. Romance readers will be delighted.” I feel so incredibly honored and blessed and thrilled, and I cannot... Read More
For all the present-under-the-tree-shakers and gift-in-the-closet-peekers who need just a glimpse of LORD HOLT TAKES A BRIDE in order to survive the next 16 weeks until Asher and Winn’s story hits shelves (3/31/20), this is for you. 🙂 “Winn, this isn’t the time to be shy,” Asher said from the... Read More