Book trailer!
Jun 2, 2014
I used to think I was clever. Years ago, I designed my own website from the code up. Now, however, I realize that computer language is much like any other kind of language–if you don’t use it, you lose it.
I don’t know who first said those profound words, but they are true. My programming days are behind me now, much like my high school Spanish. I know just enough to be polite, smile, and surreptitiously plot my escape before I do any real damage.
Daring Miss Danvers book trailer
Today, by way of a miracle (2 more of these and I can be declared a saint), I made a book trailer for Daring Miss Danvers. It’s short, only 35 seconds–because my patience was wearing as thin as the heels of my favorite socks. But at last it’s done! And I’m only too happy to share this monumental achievement with you. 😀