I have such wonderful news! HOW TO FORGET A DUKE has earned a starred review from Publisher’s Weekly! I’m so happy and excited, and feeling so blessed that I don’t know what to do with myself. Well… other than drive to Starbucks to celebrate! 😉 I can’t wait to share HOW... Read More
Are you an Avon Romance newsletter subscriber? Right now, the amazing team at Avon is offering a chance to win a galley copy of HOW TO FORGET A DUKE! How cool is that? Just follow the link to enter: https://a.pgtb.me/q35FPW HOW... Read More
The Prodigal Post-its have returned! After organizing my desk, I found three wayward packs. Yay! Seeing them in a tidy little stack, I have the illusion that everything is under control. That I won’t fill half a page with random story facts, then fill the other with a grocery... Read More
I’ve done it! I finally finished (and submitted) TEN KISSES TO SCANDAL! This cold did not stop me. The clogged pipes in the house did not stop me (note to self: call the plumber asap). Not even the town flood of 2018 could stop me! Nope. I. Am. A. Force.... Read More
Where did this month go? Admittedly, early on when the temperatures were below 0, I thought the month would never end.Then poof! it just disappeared. It’s true what they say, I guess, time flies when you’re having fun. And January has flown by while I’ve been writing TEN KISSES TO SCANDAL... Read More
My wishes for you in the new year: Cheek cramps from too much smiling Sore abs from too much laughing Blissful exhaustion from late nights reading And enough love to keep your heart overflowing XO Viv
I’m so excited to share the first sneak peek into Jacinda and Crispin’s story! Warm wishes and happy reading, Viv HOW TO FORGET A DUKE (available 5/29/18) “I’m quite perceptive, remember? And perhaps it was the way you looked at my mouth just now and earlier, too, like you’d . . .... Read More
My Thanksgiving wish for you: May your heart be as satisfied as your appetite, and may your life be filled with the warmth of family and friends. Warm wishes and happy reading, Viv
I’m making a list and checking it twice… It’s almost time for my Mega Holiday Giveaway! I’ll be sending out a newsletter with all the details in the next two weeks. So, for your chance to enter, sign up for my newsletter (sign-up located at the bottom of my web... Read More