FIVE SEDUCTION TACTICS from Penelope Rutledge (Tempting Mr. Weatherstone)

Dec 5, 2014

Five Seduction Tactics from Penelope Rutledge


  • Always embroider a little something special into the handkerchiefs you give him for Christmas—Every. Single. Year. One day, he’s bound to notice.
  • If your gentleman dislikes change in the slightest bit, then be sure to walk the same route each morning so that you can accidentally cross paths with him—every morning. Again, he’s bound to notice. Eventually.
  • If he prefers orange marmalade with his scones—and nothing else—then make it a point to add a dollop of clotted cream to the marmalade. Stir it thoroughly in front of him. This is sure to gain his rapt attention.
  •  Always remember—a woman holds a great deal of power in arriving late to dinner and in forgetting her fichu.
  • Pretend you’ve never given a thought to dancing with him—not once in all the excruciatingly lonely years of your friendship. Even the most controlled gentleman sees this as a challenge. His more primitive response could surprise you.


Aug 5, 2014

I’m so excited that the 3rd book in the Wallflower Wedding Series is out today! To celebrate, I’m hosting a giveaway on my Facebook page today thru Thursday 8/7/14. One winner will be announced on Friday. 😀

Also, FINDING MISS McFARLAND is on tour this month with Tasty Books Blog Tour. Follow the links to check out reviews, interviews, and enter a contest sponsored by Avon Impulse for a free digital copy of both DARING MISS DANVERS and WINNING MISS WAKEFIELD.

Tour Schedule

Aug 4th- Girl Meets Books– GP/Exc
(Stop 2) Imagine a World– Rev/Exc
Aug 5th- Sleepless Romantics-Rev
(Stop 2) 3 Partners in Shopping– Promo
Aug 6th- Crystal Blogs Books– GP/P
Aug 7th- Buried Under Romance– Exc/P
(Stop 2) Booknerd– Rev/P
Aug 8th- Book Reviews and More by Kathy– Int/P
(Stop 2) A Blue Stocking’s Place– P/Exc

Aug 11th- What I’m Reading– Rev/P
(Stop 2) Book Liaison- P/Exc
Aug 12th- Books Like Breathing– Rev/P
(Stop 2) Book Suburbia– Promo
(Stop 3) Written Love– Exc/P
Aug 13th- Romancing Rakes for the Love of Romance– Exc/P
(Stop 2) Deal Sharing Aunt– P/Int
(Stop 3) I am, Indeed– Rev/Exc
Aug 14th- Kinky Vanilla Romance– Int/P
(Stop 2) Harlequin Junkie– Int/P
(Stop 3) Queen of the Night Reviews– Rev/P
Aug 15th- Romancing the Readers– Exc/P
(Stop 2) Ramblings From This Chick– GP/P

Aug 18th- The Lusty Literate– P/Exc
(Stop 2) Christine’s Words– Gp/P
Aug 19th- Brit Nanny Reads– Rev/P

Aug 20th- Rookie Romance– Exc/P
(Stop 2) Urban Girl Reader– Rev/P/Exc
(Stop 3) Insert Clever Quip Here– P/Exc
Aug 21st- I Heart Romance– Rev/P
(Stop 2) Paranormal Romance and Beyond– Promo
Aug 22nd- Manga Maniac Cafe– GP/P
(Stop 2) Red Pump Romance Reviews- Rev/P

Getting Geared Up for RWA

Jul 15, 2014

This year, I’ll be attending my first RWA National Conference. I’ll also be flying to Texas for the first time. To say that I’m nervous would be putting it mildly. I’m at defcon 4 on the nervous scale.

My youngest, bless his heart, tries to give me pep talks. “Don’t worry. Just teach yourself how not to be an introvert.”

“It doesn’t work on a switch,” I tell him. He laughs before heading out the door to hang out with his friends. Click “on” for life-of-the-party. Click “off” for curling-up-in-a-dark-cave.

Nervousness aside, I’m excited, too. This is THE conference, after all. I’ve been wanting to attend for years and years. This time, I’m going to make it happen. I anticipate numerous fangirl moments where I’ll simply stare at my favorite authors without trusting myself to say a word for fear of uncorking the random flow of trivia that tends to runneth over when I’m nervous. Example: when I met Tessa Dare, I spoke to her for 5 minutes about the differences between left handed people and right handed people.

So, yeah, it’ll be better if I just smile and not say a word. Wish me luck!





We have a winner!

Jul 3, 2014

Super CONGRATULATIONS to Ada for winning the Wallflower Wedding goodies!

Hosting this contest was so much fun, that I’m going to host another for the release of FINDING MISS McFARLAND next month. Be sure to drop by or check out my Facebook page for details.

Thanks to everyone who left all the wonderful comments!

Have a wonderful holiday weekend!


Contest Ends

Jul 3, 2014

The Wallflower Wedding Contest has ended. The winner will be announced later today! 🙂


Jun 30, 2014


I’ve had so much good news lately–with the release of the first two of The Wallflower Wedding Series books and also signing a new contract with Avon Impulse for The Rakes of Fallow Hall–that I can’t contain my excitement any longer!!! I MUST host a giveaway! 🙂

ONE winner will receive: an I <3 Wallflowers canvas tote; a paperback edition of FIVE GOLDEN RINGS; a paperback edition of DARING MISS DANVERS; a paperback edition of WINNING MISS WAKEFIELD; two bookmarks; two sticky note pads; an emergency sewing kit; a sachet of jasmine tea; and a one-of-a-kind, crocheted Wallflower Wedding coffee cozy.







*The contest will run from Monday, June 30th, 2014 thru Wednesday, July 2nd, 2014. The name of ONE winner will be drawn on Thursday, July 3rd, 2014, and announced via this blog and also on my Facebook page.

Entering the contest is simple. Just post a comment to this thread, answering this question: Which of the three Wallflower Wedding Series covers do you like the most?

Awesome news

Jun 29, 2014

If you’ve been on my Facebook page, then you’ve already heard the awesome news: This week, I signed a new contract with Avon Impulse for 3 more books!!! 😀

The series is called THE RAKES OF FALLOW HALL.These books focus on three rakes who vow never to marry. They all want to avoid that particular noose. Yet, after a foolhardy wager one night, a sudden rivalry begins. Now, with a fortune on the line, it’s every man for himself.

Then, one by one, they all start to fall. A single question remains: who will reap the spoils in the end?

I’m so excited to write these stories!!! Check out my Pinterest page, if you’re interested in some of the inspirations behind each story.

To celebrate, I’m having a contest!!! Entering is simple. All you have to do is add your comment to the upcoming CONTEST thread on my blog (tomorrow), which will run from Monday, June 30th thru Wednesday, July 2nd. ONE winner will be announced on July 3rd.

Here is a sneak peek of the goodies







Until tomorrow, happy reading!

Celebrating On Sale Day!

Jun 10, 2014

Today, I’m celebrating the release of WINNING MISS WAKEFIELD!!!

As I mentioned in my previous post, I absolutely loved writing this book. So it’s a true pleasure to have the chance to share it with you. <3

On top of that, I’ve just finished crocheting a special Wallflower Wedding Cozy to add to the goody-bag for the contest I’ll be hosting in a couple of weeks. 😀



Jun 9, 2014

I am SO EXCITED about the release of Winning Miss Wakefield!!! Writing Bane and Merribeth’s story was fun from the first page to the very last. And even then I didn’t want it to end. <3

Excerpt from Winning Miss Wakefield ~ book #2 of The Wallflower Wedding Series:

He had been thoroughly distracted by Miss No Name, Miss Sign of Venus, as she ran her fingers through his hair. It felt heavenly. Wondrous. Divine. How long had it been since a woman had simply stroked his hair? Though he’d never admit it if asked, this was one of life’s greatest pleasures.

Closing his eyes, he’d trusted this stranger more than he had anyone in years, and he couldn’t put reason behind it, only the instinctive sense he’d come to rely upon. He was good at figuring people out, which was why he preferred the company of horses.

Then, a shadow had crossed over his face, accompanied by a hushed rustle of silk. Drowsily, he opened his eyes to see her gazing down at him. Her soft fingertips petted the shorter hair at his temples and followed the line of his whiskers to the lobes of his ears.

He’d opened his mouth to tell her that he’d willingly pay her five hundred pounds per annum if she’d never stop, but she shushed him with a shake of her head.

“Don’t say a word . . . please,” she’d whispered, leaning closer. “I only mean to borrow this for a moment and return it directly.”

Then she’d lowered her mouth to his.