Aug 14, 2015

The Maddening Lord Montwood comes out in paperback this Tuesday! Yay! To celebrate, I’m giving away an RWA canvas tote chock-full of mystery goodies from the conference. This is a HUGE PRIZE!!!


To enter: “Share” this post. You have all weekend to enter. I’ll choose one winner on Monday, 8/17. If you share this post anywhere other than via the link widgets below, just post the link in the comments of this post to increase your chances of winning.

Good luck, happy reading, and have a spectacular weekend!


Upcoming contest info!

Aug 9, 2015

For those of you who follow my blog, I’m giving you an exclusive scoop:

In the next week, I’ll be hosting a contest! Yay!!!

The prize will be a mystery bag, filled with an assortment of books I picked up at RWA! This contest is going to be BIG. I can hardly wait!

Right now, I’m in deadline mode, but as soon as I finish this novella, I’ll post the contest details here, on Facebook, and on Twitter. I just wanted you to hear it first. 🙂

Warm wishes and happy reading,





Aug 1, 2015

Dear friends,

For the month of August, I’m going to be giving away RWA “Goodies” during random contests. There might be one listed here, one on Twitter, and one for those who are in my Newsletter Crew. This weekend, I’m running a contest on my Facebook page.

The prize pack, this time, will be an assortment of ebooks from your favorite authors: When Beauty Tamed the Beast by Eloisa James; Worth Any Price by Lisa Kleypas; What I Did For A Duke by Julie Anne Long; Claire by Ellie MacDonald; and One Good Earl Deserves a Lover by Sarah MacLean.

I’ll choose ONE random winner from the comments below the “angry bird” picture on my Facebook page. Contest ends Sunday, 8/2/15, at midnight (ET). Facebook is not responsible for this giveaway.

Wishing you an amazing weekend!



Jul 27, 2015

Exciting news!!! THE MADDENING LORD MONTWOOD hit the USA TODAY Bestsellers List!!!!

I’m completely over the moon about it! I found out when I was in NYC at the RWA conference. I was in one of the glass elevators when I read a Tweet of congratulations. At the time, I was surrounded by about 8 strangers, and none of them conference goers, but even so, all I wanted to do was jump up and down and cheer.  I’m sure they would have understood, right? 😉

Anyway, I couldn’t be happier about the wonderful news. More than that, I received dozens of congratulations and warm wishes from my fellow writers, proving that romance authors are the best people on the entire planet. <3

Onto more news…

The Tasty Book Tour for THE MADDENING LORD MONTWOOD continues today. Author Christine Warner graciously interviewed me. It was a lot of fun answering her clever questions. I’ve included a few below:

Describe yourself in 3 sentences?

Nearly normal writer of romance. Excels at drinking copious amounts of tea. Enjoys using dark sense of humor to torture family.

Love it Vivienne~ lol  If we opened your refrigerator, what would we find?

Tea and milk. Everyone else has to fend for themselves.

I like how you think 🙂 What’s your favorite food to cook?

I love to bake scones and come up with my own recipes.

I’m a huge advocate for experimenting in the kitchen, too. I love making up recipes. What’s under your bed?

Fluffy carpet—the boogeyman likes a soft, clutter-free place to sleep.

I love choosing my character names. How did you go about choosing your hero and heroine’s names?

For THE MADDENING LORD MONTWOOD, I’d given Lucan his name in the first book he appeared, Winning Miss Wakefield (Wallflower Weddings Series, book 2). I wanted a character that was dark and charming, and I thought “Lucan” fit that description perfectly. The heroine I had in mind was slightly prickly on the surface, but passionate and driven on the inside. “Frances Thorne” seemed to fit.

Great name choices! What’s the first sentence in your book?

Lucan Montwood wanted to get drunk.

Now the last sentence.

“Would you care to wager on that?”

Describe your hero through your heroine’s eyes…

For the rest of the interview, visit Christine’s Words and enter the giveaway for a digital bundle that includes the first two books of The Rakes of Fallow Hall Series.

“… a perfect ending to the series.”

Jul 20, 2015

Melody May, from her “What I’m Reading” review blog, said that THE MADDENING LORD MONTWOOD is “…a perfect ending to the series.” <3

Her in-depth review is lovely, and definitely brightens a day when I’m weary from traveling.

I left home this morning and am en route to the RWA National Conference in NYC. Tonight, I’m staying in Altoona, Pa. It’s a wonderful town and the hotel is clean and quiet (always a plus).

Tomorrow morning brings the last leg of the journey.

For any of you who might be traveling to the conference (or anywhere), I’m sending you all the best wishes for a safe and enjoyable journey.

For Melody’s full review, click here.

Have a wonderful week,


NYC bound!

Jul 19, 2015

I’m packing for New York today. I’m so excited and not the least bit nervous… *ahem.* OK, so maybe this introvert is a tad nervous.

The good news is that, among authors, I’ll be in excellent company at the RWA conference. Not only that, but romance authors and readers are the kindest, all-around most awesome people on the planet. <3

Another bonus, there is a Starbucks in the hotel. Yes! You might see me there a time or two.


Release Day review for The Maddening Lord Montwood!

Jul 14, 2015

This morning I woke up to find a heart-melting review for The Maddening Lord Montwood. I have to say, it is the perfect way to start any morning, and an even better way to celebrate a book-birthday. 🙂

“If you love a feel-good historical with a great build, loads of heat and a Rake with a heart of gold, then THE MADDENING LORD MONTWOOD needs to be added to your TBR pile.” ~Cris Araujo, Cris Conquers Reviews

Check out the full review here: http://www.crisconquers.com/2015/07/review-giveaway-maddening-lord-montwood.html

Wishing you all a perfect day!


Release Day Giveaway!!!

Jul 13, 2015

THE MADDENING LORD MONTWOOD comes out Tuesday! I’m so excited about this book that I’ve decided to have a HUGE GIVEAWAY on my Facebook page. Entering is simple, just click on the GIVEAWAY tab and choose an option. This contest will run from Monday, 7/13, to midnight Wednesday, 7/15

Good luck, happy reading, and thanks for celebrating with me!



Heroes and Heartbreakers Review of The Maddening Lord Montwood

Jul 10, 2015

“…I wished it was just a tad bit longer in the end. Because I didn’t want it to end.” ~Tanya Kaanta, Heroes and Heartbreakers

I am completely overjoyed about this review of The Maddening Lord Montwood from Tanya at Heroes and Heartbreakers! The review is thorough, heartfelt, and all-around amazing. I’m feeling incredibly blessed. <3

To read the full review, please click on this link: http://www.heroesandheartbreakers.com/blogs/2015/07/first-look-vivienne-lorret-the-maddening-lord-montwood-july-14-2015

Wishing you a warm, sunny weekend, and happy reading,





My neighbor thinks I’m stalking him

Jul 10, 2015

Yup. My neighbor thinks I’m stalking him. He was in line behind me in the grocery store today. I said “Hi.” He just looked at me. When his car passed me in the parking lot a moment later and he furrowed his brow in confusion, I decided to wave. Then, when I turned into our neighborhood and he was there again, I lifted my fingertips from the steering wheel in another wave. His eyes grew wide in what can only be described as pure terror.

Ok, so maybe I’m not the most social person, but he has been my neighbor for 16 years, our boys went to school together, and he did ask me about DH’s mower a couple of months ago. So, I thought it would be rude to continue with our “I have no recollection of your existence on the planet” relationship.

Yet now, I am officially that crazy waving woman who knows where you live.
