Street Teams

May 15, 2015

If you happened to stop by my Facebook page this week, then you might have seen a mention about street teams. So far, I’ve found that most readers are pro-street team. The truth is, I don’t know much about them or how they operate. Fortunately for me, others have weighed in and offered their knowledge on the topic.

I’m still doing research and giving the idea thought. However, one thing that strikes me as vital (in any and all street teams) is a catchy name. After all, this name will go on t-shirts, mugs and canvas bags, right?

Early this morning (before my tea, mind you), I came up with a few that made me laugh:

Viv’s Vixens

Lorret’s Liasons

The Kettle Crew

The Caffeine Commandos (underwear optional, of course) 😉

As you can see, my thoughts started to veer directly toward a need for my morning mega-mug of chai. Before this list continues, I must add writer fuel to my brain.

Warm wishes and happy reading,



May 11, 2015

I’m researching settings and finding character inspiration today. When I don’t already have a set hero or heroine in my head, I usually browse Pinterest. After a few random key words, something sparks my interest and sets fire to my imagination. From Pinterest, I go to my local library’s site and see what history I can uncover, and from there I expand my search. One little thing usually leads to another and then another. I love this process.

Today, it’s all about the hero: Who is he? What does he want? What is holding him back?

Here are my two options. I’m trying to decide which one I like better, a or b. What do you think? Feel free to comment below, or add a comment to my Facebook page.




Warm wishes and happy reading!


Celebrating with a GIVEAWAY

May 6, 2015

I’m hosting a GIVEAWAY this week for a $100 Amazon Gift Card! 🙂 Why? I’m celebrating the release of THE DEVILISH MR. DANVERS and thanking my fans for pushing my Facebook “likes” over 500.

Entering is simple, just click on this link OR… you can leave a comment on any of my Facebook “giveaway” announcements I’ve posted this week.

*This giveaway ends at midnight (ET) Friday, 5/8/15.

*One winner will be chosen and notified via email.

*Facebook is not responsible for this giveaway.


May 3, 2015

I feel like celebrating! The first two books from THE RAKES OF FALLOW HALL Series are out AND there are over 500 “likes” on my Facebook page!! I think this calls for a HUGE GIVEAWAY, don’t you?

So… starting tomorrow, I’ll be hosting a GIVEAWAY for a $100 Amazon Gift Card!!! Yay!!!

Mostly, this is a way to say THANK YOU for giving my books a chance and for taking the time to visit my pages. Your support means the world to me. <3

All you need to do, is visit my Facebook page, click the Giveaway tab and then enter the Rafflecopter giveaway. 

*The giveaway will run for the week of May 4th and end at midnight on May 8th.

*One winner will be chosen.

*And, for legal purposes, Facebook is not responsible for this giveaway.

Good luck, warm wishes, and happy reading,


Am I a plotter or a pantser?

May 1, 2015

For my last stop on THE DEVILISH MR. DANVERS Tasty Book Tour, I’m answering an important question 😉 at The Reading Wench: Am I a plotter or a pantser?

I’m posting the answer below; however, if you’d like a final chance to enter the Wallflower Bundle GIVEAWAY, be sure to visit The Reading Wench and Books & Spoons today.

Good luck, warm wishes and happy reading!

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

I guess I’m more of a plotter with pantser tendencies. “Pantser” days are like taking a writing vacation. The beginning, middle and end of a story are mysteries. The characters are strangers. And the only thing I know is that the hero and heroine will eventually fall in love.  Anything can happen.

Being a pantser is freeing. It’s like having that movie-trailer voice in your head as motivation: “In a world where love conquers all and happily ever after is right around the corner…” And all I have to do is fill in the rest.

However, if I want to meet a deadline, then I must plot and work up character sketches. For me, there’s peace of mind in plotting. I know what’s going to happen. Sure, maybe not exactly what will happen from one scene to the next (those pantser tendencies occasionally lead me astray), but there is a guide, showing me the path.

I think of the plot outline and sketches as my own personal wilderness guide. He’s sexy, rugged, confident, and I really want to follow him, but he also knows about these beautiful vistas and the perfect places to have a picnic off the trail. And, in the end, he knows how to get me where I’m going.

Cover Reveal

Apr 21, 2015

And now, for your viewing pleasure, from the magicians in the Avon Romance art department, I’m thrilled to present the stunning cover for THE MADDENING LORD MONTWOOD…


THE MADDENING LORD MONTWOOD is the 3rd book in The Rakes of Fallow Hall Series. You might remember first meeting Lucan Montwood in Winning Miss Wakefield (Wallflower Wedding book #2), when he flirted with Merribeth and had Bane plotting his death. Lucan also appeared in Finding Miss McFarland (Wallflower Wedding book #3) and nearly married Delaney, which earned him a death threat from Griffin Croft. Ah…the memories… 😀

Lucan plotted against his own friends in The Elusive Lord Everhart and The Devilish Mr. Danvers in order to win a high-stakes wager. Scandalous! He’s a mystery and seems to cause trouble wherever he goes. There are several men among the ton who would like to see him either dead or married.

Find out what happens to Lucan on July 14th.

Until then… warm wishes and happy reading!


THE DEVILISH MR. DANVERS is available today!

Apr 21, 2015

At last…. THE DEVILISH MR. DANVERS is available today!!! Woohoo!!! I’m celebrating with a mug of tea (of course) and smiling so much that my cheeks ache. 🙂 It’s the best kind of workout.

More news: Rafe and Hedley’s story has earned 5 stars from Books Need TLC and a whopping 10 out of 10 from Cara’s Book Boudoir! Yay!!!

If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, there’s still time. 😉




Warm wishes and happy reading!


P.S. As promised, the cover debut for THE MADDENING LORD MONTWOOD is happening today. 😀

A Squee-Worthy Review for THE DEVILISH MR. DANVERS

Apr 18, 2015

I can’t wait for the release of THE DEVILISH MR. DANVERS this Tuesday, April 21st! I really should be focusing on my edits for Lucan Montwood’s book, but I’m finding it hard to sit still. Hmm… maybe I should ease back on my chai intake? Wait… what am I saying? Drink less chai? Nope. I gave it some thought and I’ve decided to just stay wired instead. 🙂

Adding to my excitement, I read a squee-worthy review from Tanya Kaanta at Heroes and Heartbreakers (copy below). I’m over the moon and so completely grateful and ecstatic that I have at least ten new smile wrinkles (the best kind).

And don’t forget to check out Heroes and Heartbreakers each month for their romance novel shopping list!

First Look: Vivienne Lorret’s The Devilish Mr. Danvers (April 21, 2015)

The Devilish Mr Danvers by Vivienne Lorret

The Devilish Mr Danvers by Vivienne Lorret

Vivienne Lorret
The Devilish Mr. Danvers(Rakes of Fallow Hall #2)
Avon / April 21, 2015 / $5.99 print, $1.99 digital

In a high-stakes wager, The Rakes of Fallow Hall vowed never to marry. Fate, however, will play the final hand in the newest book from USA Todaybestselling author Vivienne Lorret.

For the first time in her life, Hedley Sinclair holds the keys to her own future. She’s inherited the crumbling Greyson Park, but the disrepair does nothing to dissuade her. No one will ever lock her up again or attempt to take away what’s hers. No one except Rafe Danvers—the charming, fiendish man from Fallow Hall. He’s determined to claim Greyson Park, but if Hedley isn’t careful, he’ll claim her heart as well.

Rafe has every intention of ridding Greyson Park of the conniving Sinclairs once and for all. The last thing he expects is to find the beguiling Hedley—the younger sister of his former fiancée—standing in his way. With drastic measures called for, he plans to marry her off in order to regain control of the estate. The only trouble is, he can’t seem to stop seducing her. Even worse, he can’t help falling in love with her.

With one lord already fallen to love (see The Elusive Lord Everhart), Rafe Danvers and Lord Montwood remain determined to stave off love inVivienne Lorret‘s The Devilish Mr. Danvers. For the next year, these two men will do whatever it takes to remain single in order to procure the lofty sum of 10,000 pounds at stake from their wager. But as we know, in our historical romances, it is always those that vow to never love or marry again that fall the hardest. And Rafe Danvers is no exception, though he does make a convincing argument for staying a bachelor. Years ago, he was jilted at the altar by his former fiancée, Ursa Sinclair. Older and wiser, he knows better than to make the same mistake twice, and vows to make all Sinclairs his enemy.

Hedley Sinclair, Ursa’s younger sister, is the ugly secret that the Sinclair family keeps hidden away in the attic. That is, until Hedley finally experiences freedom when her grandfather surprisingly leaves her Greyson Park upon his death. Though in shambles, the home is hers and she quickly finds relief from the abusive hands of her mother and sister. All is well, until Rafe declares that he, not she, is the owner of Greyson Park.

While Hedley may be naïve in the ways of womanly aristocratic behavior and the art of flirting, she is no push-over. Hedley is immune to Rafe’s intimidation to relinquish Greyson Park, regardless of how erratic he makes her heart beat.

Instantly her heart squished in that pwum-pum-pum sensation. His hair fell in rakish waves over his forehead, and his darkly rich brown eyes were lit with a devilish gleam that made her stomach bobble.

“A young woman in society usually flirts when given the opportunity.”

How was she supposed to flirt when she could barely think? He stood close enough that she could feel the alluring heat rising from his body. She drew in a breath in an effort to think of a response. When she did, however, her nostrils filled with a pleasant scent that only made her want to draw another breath. It was his fragrance. From their previous encounter, she recognized the woodsy essence and a trace of sweet smoke…

“I am not in society. Nor am I likely to be. Therefore, I have no reason to flirt.”

“You don’t need a reason.” He leaned in, his voice low. The angular cut of his side whiskers seemed to direct her gaze towards his mouth. “Flirting is a skill. You use it to get what you want.”

…He moved closer, but she dared not imagine that he was under the same trance. No, he was far too skilled in the ways of society for that. Even so the curve of his knuckles brushed her cheek. “What shade of pink do you suppose this is?”

“And that was a terrible change of topic.” Believing that he was speaking of one of the colored glass vases in the cabinet, she looked them over. She found deep red, the color of merlot; a vase, bright and clear as a summer sky; and daffodil yellow, among other hues.

“Besides, I see no pink.”

“No, this color. Here.” His thumb caressed her cheek, his fingers settling beneath her jaw…

“Is this a lesson in flirting, or is the color of actual importance?”

Abruptly, he turned from her and headed toward a tasseled bell pull on the far wall. It was almost as if he suddenly wanted to put as much distance between them as possible.

She had her answer. He was only flirting in order to gain something. The only thing she possessed that Rafe Danvers wanted, however, was not for sale. No matter how tempting the currency, she would not give him Greyson Park.

As the two fight to possess Greyson Park, we see how very right these two seemingly opposites are for one another. Even though he vowed to make every Sinclair his enemy, Rafe can’t help but be charmed by this odd, yet strong-willed and innocent spinster. And Hedley is no match for Rafe’s charm and convictions to do what is just. This was another read that kept me up well into the middle of the night and dare I say this pairing has joined the ranks of some of my favorites, including Leo Hathaway and Catherine Marks (Married by Morning) and Ralston and Callie (Nine Rules to Break While Romancing a Rake). The Devilish Mr. Danvers, in my opinion, is Lorret’s best one yet.

Only 5 More Days to Go!

Apr 17, 2015

I can’t wait! I’m so excited about the release of Rafe and Hedley’s story in THE DEVILISH MR. DANVERS!

I’ve been waiting to tell Rafe’s story since I wrote the first of the Wallflower Wedding Series. And now, the time is almost here!

Here’s what Veronica Douglas, Wallflowers and Rakes, says in her review: “I can’t say enough wonderful things about this series. Watching the Fallow Hall boys succumb to love one by one is just delightful, and I can’t wait to find out what Lorret has in store for Lord Montwood.”

Just in case you haven’t pre-ordered your copy yet, there’s still time. 😉

Warm wishes and happy reading!



The Devilish Mr. Danvers