1st Review for The Maddening Lord Montwood!

Jul 9, 2015

The Reading Wench posted a wonderful review of The Maddening Lord Montwood. It’s the first review of this book that I’ve seen and it made me so happy that my eyes leaked. 🙂

Here is a snippet:

“Vivienne writes a suspenseful story that has beautiful moments of tenderness, laughter, a hot love scene that will make you squirm in your chair and a beautiful love story.  I really loved this book and I think Vivienne is well on her way to being one of those writers that her books will become keepers that you will read over and over again.” ~ Jacquie Tobin, The Reading Wench <3

For the full, happy-tear-inducing review, visit The Reading Wench blog.

Warm wishes and happy reading!


The Dark and Charming Rake, Lucan Montwood

Jun 29, 2015

The Maddening Lord Montwood is almost here! I’m so excited about this book!

Lucan Montwood has been with me since I first wrote the second book of The Wallflower Wedding Series. (excerpt from Winning Miss Wakefield):

Since her task was to flirt and convince everyone she was a confident woman instead of a kicked puppy, she was determined to make a convincing go of it. She needed all the practice she could get before William arrived.

Merribeth took her first lesson from Daniela and reached up to brush a speck of lint from Montwood’s shoulder. Then she took a lesson from Bane and held Montwood’s gaze, imagining she possessed an intimate secret about him.

Unfortunately, the only thought she could muster was the memory of what it was like to run her fingers through Bane’s coal black hair.

Montwood’s notes went sharp. “My apologies, Miss Wakefield,” he said and then cleared his throat and resumed playing. “I was distracted by the . . . er . . . color of your eyes.”

Pleased, she smiled but then hastily covered the gap with her fingertips. “Blue eyes are hardly remarkable. More than half the guests in attendance have blue eyes.”

His grin altered from a generic friendliness she’d seen him use with everyone to something more playful. This time when he met her gaze, he looked as if . . . as if he knew an intimate secret about her. “None like yours.”

Feeling decidedly restricted, she let out a breath. This was how the game was played, she told herself. Yet she was unprepared to be successful, even if it was all for show.

She tried to figure out her next course of action. A compliment might offer a distraction until she could study Daniela again or even Lady Cordelia. “Your skill with the piano is quite adept. I imagine that having long fingers assists you.”

Montwood gave her a wink and added an extra trill of the keys. “In many ways, Miss Wakefield.” 


Lucan’s darkly charming personality turned many heads. Not only that, but Bane plotted his murder.  At first, I never imagined that Lucan would have his own book. However, when Delaney, in the third book of The Wallflower Wedding Series, needed a desperate but penniless husband, Lucan was there to step in once more. (excerpt from Finding Miss McFarland):

She imagined that Montwood preferred clandestine meetings. Perhaps that would all change once they were married. Surely a sizable fortune would bring a charming, shadow-dweller like Montwood into the light.

No sooner had the horses stilled than the carriage door opened.

Montwood’s dark head appeared, a dashing smile at the ready. “Miss McFarland, you are ever punctual.” The comment proved how little they knew each other. Then, without invitation, he stepped inside and sat across from her.

Before he could pull the door closed, Buckley appeared outside. Beneath a halo of pale curls, he frowned and cast a somewhat murderous look toward Montwood. “Miss?”

Had he a gleaming sword and armor breastplate, Buckley could not have looked more like a knight determined to rescue her from ne’er-do-wells. “Everything is as it should be, Mr. Simms,” she said fondly, fighting the urge to ruffle those curls.

He gave a curt nod, still casting daggers at Montwood and grudgingly closed the carriage door.

Across from her, Montwood pulled a frown as well. “He’s quite fierce, isn’t he? Though not much by way of a deterrent.”

Puzzled more than alarmed, she asked, “What do you mean?”

“Only that if I chose to run off with you right now, there would be no one to stop me.”


Lucan was so mysterious that I simply HAD to write his book. I needed to discover how he could be so wicked one moment and then noble the next. Putting a story like his together was intense. From the beginning I knew (like many of you did) that there was a darker side to him. Discovering the cause as well as the truth of his character, however, ended up surprising me, but in a good way. 🙂

I fell irrevocably in love with him, and I hope you do, too.

THE MADDENING LORD MONTWOOD is the final book in The Rakes of Fallow Hall Series. In case you still need to pre-order your copy, here is a selection of pre-order links:



HarperCollins/Avon Romance


Wishing you a spectacular week and happy reading,


A Great Deal on BookBub!

Jun 27, 2015

THE_DEVILISH_MR_DANVERS_COVER.27122801_stdThe Devilish Mr. Danvers

by Vivienne Lorret

Hedley Sinclair has inherited Greyson Park, and she’s determined to keep it out of the hands of roguish Rafe Danvers. But if Rafe’s scheme to seduce Hedley succeeds, he’ll claim more than just her inheritance… From a USA Today bestselling author!
Available through July 6th

Publisher Description

In a high-stakes wager, The Rakes of Fallow Hall vowed never to marry. Fate, however, will play the final hand in the newest book from USA Today bestselling author Vivienne Lorret.

For the first time in her life, Hedley Sinclair holds the keys to her own future. She’s inherited the crumbling


Release Date: April 21st, 2015


Jun 24, 2015

It’s official!!! I’m writing another Christmas novella for Avon! Yay!!! Look for ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS A DUKE this December. This Regency anthology will also feature stories from USA Today bestselling author, Ashlyn Macnamara, along with Valerie Bowman and Tiffany Clare. I’m so blessed to be listed among such amazing authors.

Happy Father’s Day!

Jun 21, 2015

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there… to all the grandfathers who step in to fill a void…  and to all the moms who do the job of both parents. <3  You are loved and appreciated.

Excerpt: The Maddening Lord Montwood

Jun 16, 2015

THE MADDENING LORD MONTWOOD will be released one month from today!! YAY!!! And since I’m really terrible at waiting, I thought I’d post a sneak peek into Lucan and Frances’ story.

THE MADDENING LORD MONTWOOD_cover“While I admire the stern workday countenance you employ to set an example for others, using a little smile in the market could do wonders for your basket.”

He was talking about flirting. Flirting was one thing Frances never did. She’d seen how a friendly smile could give a man the wrong ideas. In her opinion, it was far better to know the character of the man beforehand. “I suppose you would have me remove my spectacles and bat my lashes as well.”

Lucan turned to face her. Slowly, he revealed a grin that only hinted at the dimple lurking there. It hinted at other things too. Scandalous things. She was certain of it because a ripple of desire stirred inside of her.

“No, Miss Thorne, always wear your spectacles.” He leaned forward, the brim of his hat close to hers. “They act like a veil, making a man wonder about the eyes behind them. A man starts to imagine being the one who’ll steam up your lenses.”


THE MADDENING LORD MONTWOOD, available 7/14/2015


Barnes & Noble



It’s almost football season…

Jun 6, 2015

I’ve been a fan of college football since my grandfather introduced me to the magic of the game on Saturday afternoons when I was young girl. Years later, I infected DH with the fever for the Fighting Irish and then both of our boys. Now, it’s a family tradition to plan every autumn Saturday around the football schedule and watch the game together.

I don’t obsess over the scores, or even know everything about the game; I just enjoy it.


My youngest, DS 2.0, plays high school football. I encourage him to play for the fun of the game and not to obsess over scores. It’s more important to play with heart (aka: “Accept your mother’s lack of skill when she’s playing a game of catch with you.”) 🙂

DS 2.0 is gearing up for football practice. Earlier today, I threw a series of “slants,” “hitches,” and “fades” to him. Not to brag or anything, but a few of my passes were even on target. And a bonus: minimal eye-rolling.

The Magic of Book Titles

Jun 1, 2015

I loved writing the Wallflower Wedding SeriesThe Rakes of Fallow Hall Series, and getting to know the characters and their families. It was difficult to say goodbye. However, beginning something fresh, new and completely unrelated to the previous books sparks excitement inside me.

I’m currently working on a proposal for a new series and I’m already obsessed with these characters and their stories. Unfortunately, this process isn’t foolproof. My first round of book titles flopped. My second round received a bland response (definitely not promising). And now my third attempt is trapped somewhere inside my head.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the perfect title just revealed itself? Landing on my windowsill in the claw of a carrier pigeon… Emerging in ghostly writing on the steamed-up bathroom mirror… Burned onto a piece of toast… Spelled out in tea leaves… Or even, hand delivered by Gerard Butler to my door… (not that I’ve given that idea any thought at all…) 🙂

The truth is, there is magic in the right book title. You always remember the really great ones: Perfect, by Judith McNaught; A Knight in Shining Armor, by Jude Devereaux; Devil in Winter, by Lisa Kleypas; On the Way to the Wedding, by Julia Quinn; A Kiss at Midnight, by Eloisa James… And the list goes on and on.

Great titles + great stories = magic. It’s as simple as that. Right?

Right now, I could use a bit of magic (and a visit from Gerard Butler). 😀

Until then, I’ll keep working on this proposal.

Warm wishes and happy reading!
