ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS A DUKE comes out in only three weeks!!!
Christmastime is fast approaching and I can’t wait to share Ivy and North’s story with you!
The Duke of Vale is a man of science, precision, and patience. He has created a mathematical formula to aid men, like him, who don’t want all the fuss of courting. According to him, finding a wife should be as simple as analyzing numbers. Then he meets Ivy… and nothing about her fits into his equation. She is impulsive, impatient, and completely turns his world upside down.
THE DUKE’S CHRISTMAS WISH is a lighthearted romp and I hope it brings some cheer to your holidays. <3
After turning in THE DEBUTANTE IS MINE (book #1 of a new series!!) to my amazing editor on Monday, this week is all about catching up for me. I have so many things I’ve been putting off for too long, like: cleaning my desk, taking my car in for an oil change, scheduling a cleaning appointment with the dentist… You know, all the things that are so much fun. 😉
Then there are things that I can’t wait to dive into: character sketches for the next book, beginning the next book (THIS EARL IS ON FIRE), setting up contests for the Christmas anthology, ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS A DUKE, etc…
I’m gathering goodies for prize packages for a Facebook giveaway in early December after the anthology is released, too. I’m so excited about this Facebook party we’re going to have! It’s going to be like a friendly snowball fight between authors, with questions relating to the novellas in the Christmas anthology. Everyone will be giving away prizes of their own. Goodies Galore!!!
I’ll post more on this in the coming weeks. Until then…
New Series Update: It’s official, the books in my new series (coming out 2016) have titles! YAY!!! #1 THE DEBUTANTE IS MINE; #2 THIS EARL IS ON FIRE; #3 WHEN A MARQUESS LOVES A WOMAN
I’m so excited to share the cover for ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS A DUKE! Valerie Bowman, Tiffany Clare, Ashlyn Macnamara, and I have joined forces in this Christmas anthology for Avon Impulse.
ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS A DUKE is available on December 1st, 2015.
The Avon Art Department created a lovely cover, don’t you think?
I had a blast writing my novella, THE DUKE’S CHRISTMAS WISH, and I can’t wait to share this story with you! Look for upcoming previews in my newsletter, on my blog and on Facebook.
For years, I’ve been a proponent of the No-Gardening Garden Method. Simply put, this is a garden that appears without effort. In the spring, you just see what happens to pop up and flourish. It’s always a wonderful surprise.
You see, I’ve never been a good gardener when sweat, kneeling, and labor is involved. I don’t understand it, but whenever I try really hard to grow something—test soil pH, gauge water levels, fertilize, and weed—I end up killing everything. Every single plant.
However, if I happen to take the tomatoes or cucumbers that have gone wrinkly in the bottom of the veggie drawer, a sprouting potato, or even the remains of a Halloween jack o’lantern, and then toss them in the garden spot… something magic happens. Life finds a way.
In the harshest conditions.
Without testing the soil.
Somehow… I have a garden every single year.
This year, my favorite flower has become the pumpkin blossom.
Isn’t that big yellow blossom beautiful?
Then, of course, there’s the fruit that follows.
(Unfortunately, the pictures posted here were not taken from my garden. Because I’m posting this in the middle of the night, I had to Google-grab.)
This year, I’ve already picked five pumpkins and there are more growing in my no-gardening garden. I highly recommend it!
Warm wishes, happy reading, and happy no-gardening,
Yesterday, I sent out a distress call on Facebook:
“HELP!!! As you know, I’ve written a novella for the Avon Impulse Christmas anthology, ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS A DUKE. The only problem is… I still need to give my novella a title. Ugh! The good news is that my editor and I have narrowed it down to two, but we can’t decide. So we’re giving YOU the final decision.<3 Do you prefer: a). This Christmas Kiss, or b). The Duke’s Christmas Wish?”
And today we have a winner! THE DUKE’S CHRISTMAS WISH won by a landslide! YAY!!!
I’ll upload the cover for the anthology as soon as I receive it. In addition, when the link is hot for THE DUKE’S CHRISTMAS WISH, I’ll post it here. 🙂
Every year over the Labor Day weekend, my small town hosts one of the largest Midwestern festivals, the Blueberry Festival. Food trucks, craft-sellers, and carnival rides bring people from all over the U.S. Our population skyrockets from 25k to 200k. Our school system even closes for the Friday before Labor Day each year. And for those who live near the sprawling park, you are a virtual prisoner for four solid days.
I live near the park. Which essentially boils down to the fact that I typically do not have the freedom to run to Starbucks. For four solid days.
This year, however, I managed to brazen my way out onto the road, and drove the back way to my favorite beverage kingdom. And as a bonus, I still had a parking space when I made it home. Yes!
Not only that, but DH installed new windows in my writing cave. So now I’m ready to enjoy my new sound-dampened/ UV protected haven. <3
The tents in the park are coming down today and the neighborhood is quiet. It’s the perfect day for writing a new book. And… if I make my word count, I might treat myself to a grande chai with whip. 🙂
Today, you’ll find me at Lachesis Publishing Inc. The wonderful Joanna D’Angelo runs a Bestselling Author Q and A on Fridays and she picked me to be her guest this week! Isn’t that cool?
Her questions are wonderful and make the interview flow seamlessly. I really had fun!
I woke up at 3:30 a.m.. Apparently, my brain believed that 4 hours of sleep was plenty before proceeding to remind me that I’d planned to outline the next book today.
Oh yeah! The new book (aka Lilah and Jack’s story)! I’ve already fallen in love with these characters and can’t wait to get started. So, I mulled over the meet cute for a while until I felt like I might be able to drift back into sleep… which happened about 30 seconds before the alarm went off.
Then, like a zombie, I walked across the hall to wake up DS 2.0, only to have him mumble a reminder about “late start Mondays.”
Oh yeah! Monday start time is nearly an hour later than the rest of the week. So I went back to bed… but my brain had reengaged and was too excited about everything to sleep.
Now, here I sit with an extra large mug of tea, the motor skills of a zombie, while yawning like a guppy out of water. Yet, my brain is ready to split the atom. I’m afraid to think of what will happen when it finally realizes how tired we are.